Tonight we Sleep…

At first I thought it was only me as I awoke from a good nights sleep; yet as the day stretched on I noticed I wasn’t alone in this relaxing, peaceful, recuperative, sleepy energy that despite how much rest we’ve all had still feel compelled to rest some more… And then some more… I watched my husband usually fresh…

Kitty Litter. Love it or Hate It?

It’s 23:08 on my pacific standard time and as usual and customary I’m exhausted yet my body and mind won’t allow me to rest. What needs to be done? Make that sugar-free coffee cake for the man as he has a sweet tooth that won’t quit plus it makes him quite happy… Goes back to…

Update: Ted ATE!!!

Well tonight Ted ate his first meal. Ted’s been with us now 3 days or 72 hours and counting… Tonight Ted ate and the jubilation that occurred at the precise moment we managed to finally get his mouth open long enough to get his fresh cricket mash into his mouth is to date one of…

Tonight I have a heavy heart…

2015 hasn’t really started off the way I had envisioned it however when keeping one foot grounded in reality lest I drown in it all as I have lived through much worse years let alone much worst ‘new year’ beginnings… For the first time since I cannot remember it just hit me today that I…

Update: Ted the Toad 24 + hours later…

I’m happy to report that Ted has made it through his first night in rehab.   This time yesterday and more than 24 hours later Ted was discovered more than half dead, severely dehydrated and jacked up from multiple wounds to his head and back.  By me while potty-breaking our pack of 4 pups. After…

Our cat masturbates. There, I said it…

Okay. So.  I can’t believe the communal support that just washed over me as I typed the title to this post. I have officially & comfortably left the closet with the knowledge that our 10 year plus neutered feline boy Sylvester sexually satisfies himself multiple times a day.  Alone.  Yes, yes he is self-sufficient. Of course he’s…